Staff New Hire

  • Staff New Hire Docs
  • Staff Training is an intrical part of our program.

    New Staff are required to complete the new staff hire documents

    In addition:

    1. Orientation to requirments of this contract
    2. Review the DHS Provider Code of Conduct
    3. The New Leaf ER and business continutity plan including emergency response and evacuation procedures.
    4. Abuse and Harassment training, including but not limited to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and harassment, for all staff coming in contact with clients that icludes the following:
      1. Zero Tolerance policy for abuse and harassment
      2. How to comply with New Leaf abuse and harassment prevention and response policy and procedures
      3. A client's rights to be free from abuse and negelect
      4. The rights of client's and employees to be free from retaliation for reporting abuse and harassment
      5. How to detect and respond to signs of threated and actual abuse
      6. How to avoid inappropriate relationships with clients
      7. How to coply with laws related to mandatory reporting of absue to outside authorities
      8. Laws regarding unlawful sexual activity witha minor

    Non-clinical direct care staff may recieve credit for prior training on an hour-by-hour basis provided there is written documentation of the training content, where, when, and who provided the training , that the training was in the following areas and was recieved within a period of two years prior to employment with New Leaf